Meet Us At Black Hat

Booth SC316 in Startup City
Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas
August 7, 2024, 10:00 AM - August 8, 2024, 6:00 PM

Swing by booth SC316 in Startup City and learn more about our vision and upcoming product launch.

A massive gap exists in application security. This gap stems from the lack of a unified data layer that integrates application, runtime, and business context, making current security efforts labor-intensive and difficult to scale. Without this context, prioritizing security becomes impossible, and crucial activities like impact analysis, threat modeling, and developer guidance are only performed in an ad hoc manner.

We launched Heeler to bridge this context gap and drive the transformation needed in application security. Our mission is to amplify developers' security impact tenfold without requiring additional time. By unifying application, runtime, and business context, seamlessly integrating into existing workflows, and automating high-friction, repetitive tasks between security and development teams, we make security a proactive part of the development process.

  • Focus on What Matters. Bring together application, runtime, and business context, helping automate environment and threat context to prioritize high-impact activities and strategic objectives.
  • Automate High-friction, Costly Manual Tasks. Keep AppSec teams aligned with engineering needs, speeding development and ensuring continuous security throughout the lifecycle, making you the hero.
  • 10x Developer Security Impact. Communicate critical insights to developers within their existing workflows, empowering them to focus on high-impact tasks and maximize their time effectively.